
The project consisted of a mixed use building which also was to serve as a Doctors surgery and is known locally as the Palms Centre. Uses include Retail, Restaurant, Pharmacy, HSE, Doctors Surgery, Office and apartment constructed over a basement car park. Client: Private Location: The Avenue,...

The Amber Springs engaged the Studio to design a family friendly 48 bedroom three storey extension to its award winning Existing destination. The building was completed In 2017. Client: The Amber Springs hotel. Location: Knockmullen, Wexford Road, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Size: circa 3,350 square metres. Status: Completed 2017...

The M11 Business Campus is an ‘A Rated’ office and IT hub located In Knockmullen (beside the Amber Springs Hotel), Gorey, Co. Wexford. The building was completed In 2017 and planning for a second building is in place with a medium term ambition to complete 3 similar Structures...